Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Recipe: Bachelor's Salad

This is a quick and easy recipe for any guy on the go. Ahem... Here it is:

Standing by the kitchen sink, set one small, round head of lettuce on a relatively clean area. Get a bottle of salad dressing out of the refrigerator. Open it. Hold the salad dressing in your right hand. Pick up the head of lettuce with your left hand. Pour a few drops of dressing over the top of the head of lettuce. Bring the lettuce to you your mouth and take a chomp out of it, making sure you get both lettuce and dressing in your mouth. Let any runoff drip into the sink. Repeat the pouring and chomping process until you've had enough. Put the lettuce and dressing back into the refrigerator and rinse the sink.

That's all there is to it. Feel free to share this recipe with your friends!